Friday, February 3

My daughter

I'm back

Hey viewers, I'm sorry for not posting to this blog in a long time, but I hope everyone has had a good time even without this blog.  I hope to get around to posting more on this blog, so I'll probably be posting more here and there, but it probably won't be daily.

Once again, any requests, suggestions, or other ramblings are welcome at any time.

Sunday, November 15

Tall Tales

I decided to go more of a narrative route with this one than normal.  Sorry if you prefer for me to go into more detail with the actual transformation, but I kinda liked this.

Saturday, November 14

The Wall

Maybe I'll get back into creating more captions for you guys.  I'm sure that one day I will do this regularly.

Monday, June 1

The Bet

The good part for you guys about me being away for so long is that I post more than once a day.  I need to make up for lost time after all.  No promises tomorrow, I'm so bad at keeping a schedule, but expect more captions in the near future.